11 things your dog wants you to know about your walks together
I’m not pulling, I just walk faster than you do. Please walk with me on a long line so we can both move at a pace that suits us.
I experience the world largely through my nose! Please let me sniff until I finish, I promise I won't take long. A long line will let me explore scent that’s off the path where you may not want to go yourself.
I communicate with other dogs using my body and use of space. Please do not make me walk head on toward dogs that I do not know. Please move me off to the side as far as we can get so that all the dogs can stay relaxed.
Other humans do not know me as well as you do, please do not make me walk head on toward strangers. Please advocate for me, I may not want to say hello to them and they may not understand the way I say no thank you.
Depending on what breed I am, some environments overwhelm or over stimulate me. Please find places for us to walk that fit my needs so we can both enjoy our time out together.
Please be patient with me, there are a lot of stimuli outside of our home, and I can get caught up in it. Please bring my favorite food or toys on our walk so you can communicate to me when you like something that I’m doing.
Fast moving things like skateboards, cars, bicycles, joggers, and runners can easily excite me! Most especially if my breed was selectively bred to pay close attention to the environment. Please watch out for these things and move me far away from them so I can watch them pass by without my chase instinct getting triggered.
If you are out running, jogging, skateboarding, or cycling without me and you see a dog up ahead, please slow down as you pass and give them a wide berth. It will help that dog feel more comfortable and not be triggered to react to you.
When things seem to suddenly appear out of nowhere that can spook me! Please try and choose environments where we can see all around us. In places where we can’t see around us, help me understand over time that when things suddenly appear it’s okay and I’m still safe.
If while we are out you plan to teach me things, please give me some time to acclimate to the environment before you ask me for work. I will be able to concentrate and focus better after I’ve investigated the area.
Please bring poop bags on our walks together and pick up after me. No one likes it when their long line drags through poop or when they step on poop. I don’t want the cities to take away our privilege to walk in our favorite places due to poop not being taken care of so let’s do our part!